Value Chain of Procurement Process of College of Arts, Media and Technology of Chiang Mai University
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This is a study conducted at the College of Arts, Media and Technology University on the value chain processes, procurement package. By bringing the value chain to link activities to create value for the procurement process. To respond to the needs of stakeholders and the user satisfaction to be effective. The objectives of this study were the following 1) to study the value chain of the procurement package and 2) to study the factors affecting in the procurement of materials. This is a qualitative research analysis study that was based on the content analysis from an analytical process. The SIPOC Model and Value Chain were prepared for a descriptive research which had gathered the primary data from interviews and observation which had been contributed from the three informant that were divided into groups of one executive. A group of two workers at the institution were involved in the procurement of supplies and the third group was composed of a total of 37 people.
The findings from the study were used as the procedure for determining the use of material which eventually provided some values for the College of Arts, Media and Technology University. Based on the procedure the values were the following 1) a list of materials that will reduce the duplication of procurement 2) a reduction on the processes, workflows, costs and shorten time period to purchase the supplies 3) reduction of errors in the procurement of materials that were not required by the specific features of the parcel (SPEC) and 4) assistance provided in management decisions for packaging and budgeting. The analysis found that the procedure included five primary activities which featured a process operation that occurred in the operational activities of the organization without any interruption. The work was able to achieve the objectives of the organization that included: 1) the demand for supplies. 2) Monitoring the budget 3) the procurement on the package 4) parcel deliveries and 5) receipt. Also, there were four support activities, these activities were on promoting and supporting the core activities and continued to add value to the procurement of materials, including: 1) infrastructure of the organization. 2) Human resource management, 3) technology development 4) and providing resources. In addition, the factors that effected on procurement process in the most efficient and effective way are the two main components: 1. organization policy (work system) 2.officer.
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