Problem of Performance throughout Tambon Administrative Organization Executive Officials: A Case Study of Tambon Administrative Organization in Sisaket

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Panaikorn Boonkob


This study is a survey research focusing on problems, threat, factors influencing administration and ways to solve problems occurring during the administration of Tambon Administration Organization (TAO) in Sisaket Province. Population in this study is the members of Tambon Administrative Committee 191 TAOs in Sisaket Province. Questionnaires were used to collect data and analyzed  descriptive and inferential statistics, T-test and One-Way Analysis of Variance. The result of the study is that the administrative problem is at moderate level in overall. Ranking of means of each problem from high to low is problems of direction and making policy, making operational plan, developing plans and projects, evaluating and reporting, controlling, purchasing and hiring, including budgeting. The study does not find any factor supporting administration. Demographic factors namely sex, age, educational level, income level, position length of working period and size of Tambon Administrative Organization have no effect on administration problems.

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How to Cite
Boonkob, P. (2016). Problem of Performance throughout Tambon Administrative Organization Executive Officials: A Case Study of Tambon Administrative Organization in Sisaket. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 7(2), 45–57. retrieved from
Research Article


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