A Brief History of Protest Politics in Thailand (2001 – 2014)

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Ram Jotikut


The rise of Thailand’s protest politics had begun in 2001 when the Thai Rak Thai Party won the general election and became a new kind of populist government that the Thai people had never seen before. However, Former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and his cabinet ministers were accused of corruption and manipulating the electoral process to gain more votes. Therefore, Thaksin's regime was toppled by the Royal Thai Army in 2006. Afterward, Thai protest politics intensified and reached its peak in 2010 when Prachatipat government decided to employ armed-force to crackdown the Thaksin's supporters under red-shirt movement. However, after the new round of the general election in 2011, Thaksin’s proxy party won the election. His younger sister, Yingluck Shinawatra became the first female Prime Minister of Thailand. Nonetheless, Thailand's modern political history was repeated after the Royal Thai Army decided to intervene through another military coup d'état in 2014. From that time on, all protest movements were prohibited under military rule and the so-called reconciliation process continued to work to remove Thailand’s protest politics’.

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How to Cite
Jotikut, R. (2016). A Brief History of Protest Politics in Thailand (2001 – 2014). Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 7(2), 79–117. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/polscicmujournal/article/view/90982
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