Concept, theory, model and approach in International Relations: idea classifying and main point from mainstream paradigm in 20th Century

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Thasothorn Toothongkum


This article has a purpose to arrange the development of groups of ideas and explain the main point of mainstream ideology in International Relations which consists of (1) Liberalism or Idealism which has an optimistic viewpoint, believes in the reasons of human, emphasizes on peace and cooperation, Public interest, virtue and morality are sources of International Law, International organization and International regime. (2) Realism which has a pessimistic viewpoint. Human society has a conflict and war. State is the most important player which emphasizes on National interest. (3) Macropolitics system consists of input factor, transformation process, output factor and feedback factor which have an interaction to the environment. (4) Marxism Political Economy is an analysis and explanation which factor of economics has affected politics or factor of politics has affected economics. Marxism is the origin of important thoughts such as modernization, imperialism which emphasizes on occupying the territory, neo-imperialism and dependency theory.

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Toothongkum, T. (2016). Concept, theory, model and approach in International Relations: idea classifying and main point from mainstream paradigm in 20th Century. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 7(2), 118–151. retrieved from
Academic Article


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