Omni channel Retailing for Consumers in Marketing 4.0 Era

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อัศน์อุไร เตชะสวัสดิ์


The rapid development of Information and Communication Technology, and the growth of Internet of Things concept accelerate the transformation of marketing environment into the era of marketing 4.0. In this era, the market becomes more inclusive, horizontal and social-oriented. Social media eliminate geographic and demographic barriers, enabling people to connect and communicate limitlessly. Customers communicate more with each other and their decision-making process rely more on social trends. The access to wider range of news and information increases customers’ choices of purchasing and bargaining power, which directly affects retailers who target the end users. The objective of this article is to review related literatures in order to study the suitability of the Omni channel retailing concept to the retail business in 4.0 marketing era.
The result of this study suggests that the suitable approach for retail businesses is to do the Omni channel retailing, a multi-channel distribution approach using interconnect data and operating systems. Through this seamless channel of distribution approach, customers can enjoy fast and convenient shopping experiences that suit their lifestyles, as well as the customized services that increase the level engagement between customers and retailers, resulting in the continuous growth of the retailing business.

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How to Cite
เตชะสวัสดิ์ อ. (2018). Omni channel Retailing for Consumers in Marketing 4.0 Era. RMUTP Research Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(2), 82–96.
Academic Articles