The Component of Factor Influence to Quality of Life of People in Muo-Baan Suan – Son Community none
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The objective of this research were to study 1) General features of economic factor, social factor, environment factor and personal factor of people in muo-baan Suan-Son community and 2) The influence of economic factor, social factor, environment factor and personal factor involvement on quality of life of people in muo-baan Suan-Son community. This study was conducted by applying 2 research methodologies. For quantitative approach, questionnaires were used to collect data 216 from people in muo-baan Suan-Son community. The data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics and hierarchical regression analysis. With the qualitative approach, in-depth interview, group discussion, structured observation and field notes. The results indicated that 1) Most of people in muo-baan Suan-Son community had low bachelor degree, enough income each month, satisfied with family over work and community, considered that the environmental protection in the community was moderate and the environment in the community was middle clean and enough. 2) The component of factor influence to quality of life of people in Muo-Baan Suan–Son community had health, treat, family, community and welfair.
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