The Preservation and The Existence of Nora Rongkru Wat Tha Khae Tambon Tha Khae, Amphoe Mueang, Phatthalung

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Maythika Puangsang


The purpose of this research was to study inherit and existence of Nora Rongkru Wat Tha Khae, Tha Khae, Muang Phatthalung District, Phatthalung Province. Use the qualitative research methodology to collect data from people about inherit and people attending Nora Rongkru Wat Tha Khae. The data were analyzed for descriptive purposes.

                The results showed that 1. The existence of Nora Rongkru Wat Tha Khae was born of faith and faith. Tha Khae, Tambon Tha Kha, Muang District, Phattalung is a ritual place for Nora Rongkru. 2.) The nature of the event. Ritual participants Sacrificial Costume, instrument, place, time, meaning, ritual, nora, teacher It is strictly according to traditional traditions. 3.) Nora Rongkru Wat Tha Khae the successor to the third generation and  The successor of the ritual. 4.) The existence of Nora Rongkru Wat Tha Khae is strictly and the role of the ritual is still inherited to the present is the function of the faith inheritance inherited identity of Nora Rongkru Wat Tha Khae. The duty to create mental security. Fun to entertain And the duty of communication. The succession and existence of the Nora Rongkru Wat Tha Khae to generation.

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How to Cite
Puangsang, M. (2019). The Preservation and The Existence of Nora Rongkru Wat Tha Khae Tambon Tha Khae, Amphoe Mueang, Phatthalung. RMUTP Research Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 1–17. Retrieved from
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