King’s Wisdom for the Development in Higher Education Institution
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The article “King’s wisdom for the development in higher education Institution” aims to follow in the footsteps of the King Bhumipol Aduyadej, Rama 9 and to be grateful for the mother land the application the King’s wisdom to be framework for the development in higher education plan in accordance with the 15 years long-term plan N๐. 2 (BE 2551-2565) and the National Economic and Social Development Plan N๐. 12 (BE 2560-2564) which adheres to the guideline “philosophy of sufficiency economy.” The results of the analysis of the King’s wisdom in accordance with the framework of the Higher Education Development Plan and the National Economic and Social development Plan for the development of four main missions: men, working, goals, and organization. Summary, King’s wisdom is a science of development that can be develop in every area perfectly in science, technology, research and innovation by focusing on people as the center with developing people to have knowledge, skill, social responsibility with ethics and morality to be a perfect person in order to be ready to live in a modern world and world trend which being aware of moderation, reasoning and having good self -immunity and not abandoning the cultivation of morality as well as being able to live happily and living together in peace.
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