People Saving Status for Pre-Aging Readiness
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This research titled “People saving status for pre-aging readiness” was aimed: 1) to study people saving status for pre-aging readiness, 2) to study saving management conditions on people saving significance awareness, incomes, expenses, and welfares in order to arrange the pre-aging readiness, and 3) to study the situational factors and saving characteristics, attitudes, and behaviors, influence in people saving status for pre-aging readiness. The quantitative research methodology was conducted, the close-ended questionnaires were used as a tool for data collection and analysis results were presented in descriptive statistics. Samples used were the 360 pre-aging participants in Bangkok metropolitan with 40-59 years of age. Non - probability (Purposive) sampling and the basic statistics were used in analysis for frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and inference statistics. Research findings suggested: 1) people saving status for pre-aging readiness in overview was in medium level, the highest average was knowledge of proper professional skills for pre-aging people, the next lower was family financial management and the lowest average was saving knowledge for earning more incomes. 2) saving management condition in overview was in large level, the highest average were incomes and expenses, the next lower was people saving significance awareness, and the lowest average was welfare, and 3) the situational factors and saving characteristics, attitudes, and behaviors, have influenced in people saving status for pre-aging readiness.
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