The Development Model of a 3CPR Learning Management Integrated Using a Creative Media Learning Activities Package for Lifelong Experiential Learning

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Siwaporn Klayjek


The objectives of the study were to create a model of 3CPR learning management that was integrated into the learning cycle with a bundle of creative media learning activities for life-long learning and to judge the model's applicability. Seven specialists conducted the research and development for the assessors who developed the model and determined the model's applicability. The statistics used to analyze the collected data were average ( ) and standard deviation (S.D). The findings revealed that: 1) The Blended Learning 3 CPR Based-on 7Es Learning Cycle Model was established and consisted of seven elements: (1) Elicitation; (2) Engagement; (3) Exploration; (4) Explanation; (5) Expansion; (6) Evaluation and (7) Extension. 2) The 3CPR Learning Management Integrated Model Life experiencing learning was appropriate at the highest level, according to the Learning Cycle using a Creative Media Learning Activities Package.

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How to Cite
Klayjek, S. (2023). The Development Model of a 3CPR Learning Management Integrated Using a Creative Media Learning Activities Package for Lifelong Experiential Learning. RMUTP Research Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(1), 1–22. Retrieved from
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