Attitudes Affecting Vegetable Consumption Behavior of Students of Ban Cheyaw School, Narathiwat Province

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Prakaychat Muaksakul


The objectives of this research were (1) study students' attitudes toward eating vegetables, (2) study behavior Vegetable consumption of students, (3) compare the attitudes of students regarding the consumption of vegetables with their demographic features, (4) compare the consumption of vegetables among students with their demographic factors, and (5) study the attitudes that influence students' vegetable consumption of Ban Cheyaw School, Narathiwat Province. This research was quantitative research using a questionnaire to get information from a representative student population. The G*power application was utilized to calculate samples using Linear Multiple Regression: Fixed Model, Single Regression Coefficient, and specific sample selection for 104 students in Grades 1-6 at Ban Cheyaw School in Narathiwat Province. Statistics used in the research include mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and simple linear regression analysis. The results of this research showed that: (1) students' attitudes toward eating vegetables were moderate (gif.latex?\bar{X}=3.37); and 2. students' vegetable consumption behavior was moderate (gif.latex?\bar{X}=3.39). The hypothesis testing's findings showed that: The results of the comparison between students' attitudes toward the consumption of vegetables and demographic variables revealed that gender differences in attitudes about the intake of vegetables and the attitudes of different study grade levels toward the eating of vegetables varied was at a statistical significance of .05. When demographic traits and student vegetable consumption behavior were compared, it was discovered that there were no differences in student vegetable consumption behavior between genders and that there were differences in student vegetable consumption behavior between grades that were statistically significant at the.05 level. Attitude positively impacted how much people ate vegetables; this relationship was statistically significant at the.05 level.

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How to Cite
Muaksakul, P. (2024). Attitudes Affecting Vegetable Consumption Behavior of Students of Ban Cheyaw School, Narathiwat Province. RMUTP Research Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(1), 76–92. Retrieved from
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