Map Application Showing Electric Car Battery Charging Points in Bangkok. on the iOS Operating System

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Saowakon Tungpuri
Arthita Boonprasit
Warinda Anuan
Thikanyaphat Nadee
Chanyanith Pholboon


The objectives of this research were to 1) design and develop an application map showing electric car charging points in Bangkok on the iOS operating system, 2) evaluate the quality of the application map showing electric car charging points in Bangkok on the iOS operating system, and 3) evaluate the satisfaction of users of the application map showing electric car charging points in Bangkok on the iOS operating system. The tools used to collect data were the quality assessment form of the application map showing electric car charging points in Bangkok on the iOS operating system and the satisfaction questionnaire of the application map showing electric car charging points in Bangkok on the iOS operating system. The sample groups used in this study were application developers, website developers, selected by purposive sampling, totaling 3 people, and a group of people who use electric cars in Bangkok, a case study of Rat Burana District, which was selected by convenience sampling, totaling 30 people. The data were analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, mean (gif.latex?\bar{X}), and standard deviation (S.D.) The results of the study found that 1) application design Map showing electric car battery charging points in Bangkok the iOS operating system is modern, easy to use, and can accurately search for electric car battery charging station. There is also a service function where experts can give advice if users encounter problems while charging electric vehicle batteries. Providing service 24 hours a day, with email notifications of news about promotions. Update electric vehicle charging costs from service providers at each charging station. You can also set the display of the application screen. 2) Evaluation of the quality of the map application showing electric car battery charging points in Bangkok on the iOS operating system from 3 experts found that it is in Excellent quality level 3) Overall satisfaction assessment of respondents was at the highest level. When classified into each aspect, it was found that the highest-ranking average was for data accuracy, followed by usability. And the third place is Design

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How to Cite
Tungpuri, S., Boonprasit, A., Anuan, W., Nadee, T., & Pholboon, C. (2024). Map Application Showing Electric Car Battery Charging Points in Bangkok. on the iOS Operating System. RMUTP Research Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(2), 60–72. retrieved from
Research Articles


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