The Development of a People Participation Model in Local Development

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ปิยะนุช เงินคล้าย
วงพักตร์ ภู่พันธ์ศรี
วีณา พึงวิวัฒน์นิกุล


In this research investigation, the researcher examines the development of a people participation model in local development, as well as the problems and obstacles in the promotion of people participation in local development. The researcher proposes guidelines for the encouragement of people participation in local development. The researcher used the method of a descriptive approach by collecting data from documents. Findings showed that the people participation model for local development was at two levels: national and local. The problems and obstacles in the participation were at the level of the members of the general public, local administration, and other levels such as the structure of the law, political culture, and others. Guidelines for the encouragement of people participation in local development were the roles of the public sector i.e. the design of channels to participate in and to strengthen the community. The roles of the people sector was to ensure that the members of the general public paid attention to participation.

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How to Cite
เงินคล้าย ป. ., ภู่พันธ์ศรี ว. ., & พึงวิวัฒน์นิกุล ว. . (2020). The Development of a People Participation Model in Local Development. Ramkhamhaeng Research Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 23(1), 11–20. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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