The Promotion of Sufficiency Economy Ways of Life in the Communities of Irrigation Water Users at Ban Cham Ta Rueang, Khitchakut District, Chanthaburi Province

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พิมพกานต์ รัตนา
ขันทอง ใจดี


In this research investigation, the researchers study the promotion of ways of life based on the principle of sufficiency economy in the communities of irrigation water users at Ban Cham Ta Rueang and compare the promotion of ways of life of these residents based on demographic factors. The sample population consisted of 109 irrigation water users using a questionnaire as an instrument to collect data. The statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The techniques of t test and one- way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were employed at the statistically significant level of .05. Findings showed that the promotion of ways of life based on the principle of sufficiency economy in the communities under study overall exhibited the promotion at a high level. When considered in each aspect, each was found to be at a high level in all aspects. The irrigation water users who differed in gender, age, educational level, and occupation exhibited no differences in the promotion of ways of life based on the principle of sufficiency economy.  Income and positions exhibited differences in the promotion of ways of life based on the principle of sufficiency economy.

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How to Cite
รัตนา พ. . ., & ใจดี ข. . . (2020). The Promotion of Sufficiency Economy Ways of Life in the Communities of Irrigation Water Users at Ban Cham Ta Rueang, Khitchakut District, Chanthaburi Province. Ramkhamhaeng Research Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 23(1), 26–35. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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