Ecotourism Management toward the Sustainable Development of Pattani province through the ASEAN Cooperative Framework

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ชุติน แก้วนพรัตน์


The objectives of this study were  to study motivation and satisfaction level of Chinese tourists’ watching transgender show in Pattaya Chonburi province  to compare the differences of personal data related to motivation and satisfaction of Chinese tourists’ watching transgender show in Pattaya Chonburi province and  to study whether the motivation of Chinese tourists affect the satisfaction of Chinese tourists’ watching transgender show in Pattaya Chonburi province or not. Mixed methods were used in this research, the qualitative research was used by in-depth interviews,and the quantitative part used questionnaires to collect data among Chinese tourists watching transgender show in Pattaya Chonburi province from October to December, 2018 The results found that most of the respondents were male (53.0%) with the following characteristics: age:31-40 years old (37.0%) ; education: vocational education (40.5%); marital status:married (60.2%); occupation: students(23.7%); monthly income: 30,001 - 40,000 baht (25.8%).As a result, push factors of Chinese tourists were rated average level in overall picture(=3.27), pull factors of Chinese tourists were rated average level in overall picture(=3.28), and satisfaction of Chinese tourists were rated average level in overall picture(=3.25). The hypothesis results revealed that there were statistically signifacant motivation differences in personal data at the level of .05. Push factors and pull factors significantly affect satisfaction of Chinese tourists at the level of .05.This result can support information to promote tourism in Pattaya Chonburi province.

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How to Cite
ZHANGWEI, & แก้วนพรัตน์ ช. . . (2020). Ecotourism Management toward the Sustainable Development of Pattani province through the ASEAN Cooperative Framework. Ramkhamhaeng Research Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 23(1), 45–59. Retrieved from
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