Relationship between the Spatial Potentiality of Access and Visibility and the Pattern of Sting Operation for Drug Dealing in Khok Kram Police Station Catchment Area, Bangkok

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กานต์ชนิต เพชรศรี
ไขศรี ภักดิ์สุขเจริญ


This article, is a part of research “Spatial pattern of sting operation for drug dealing in Khok Kram police station catchment area, Bangkok”, aims to investigate relationship between access potential and visibility and pattern of sting operation for drug dealing in Khok Kram Police Station catchment area, Bangkok. Khok Kram Police Station, is the 1 of 88 police stations in Bangkok, has the highest of sting operation for drug dealing in 5 years (2012-2016). This research Analyzed the accessibility and visibility in Khok Kram Police Station catchment area by morphological techniques, Space syntax.

            The results showed the trend of sting operation for drug dealing in Khok Kram Police Station catchment area have been occurring on the main road it be passing of many people. There are 8 main road in in Khok Kram Police Station catchment area that be passing of many people 1. Ramintra Road 2. Prasert Manukitch Road 3. Latplakhao Road 4. Ramintra 14 Road 5. Pradist Manudharm Road 6. Nawamin Road 7. Nuanchan Road 8. Ratchada Ramintra Road. In other word, most of 8 main road was analyzed by Space syntax techniques, and they have a high level of access potential and visibility. The highest level of access potential and visibility is Ramintra Road and the second is Nawamin Road. However, in detail of spot of sting operation for drug dealing was found, only 24 spots located within the main road (8.14%), But most of sting operation for drug was found located within “one step of integrators” (108 spots or 36.61%) and the second is “two steps of integrators” (80 spots or 27.12%) because it easy to access and the sting operation for drug dealing require a high level of access potential and visibility but not too high. In other word the sting operation for drug dealing are committed on the space have passing of many people for camouflage, but not too many people because it may be easy to noticed.

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