Sarasatr: Journal of Architecture and Design is an electronic academic journal published by the Faculty of Architecture at Chulalongkorn University. Initially launched as a print proceeding of an annual accademic symposium, Sarasatr transitioned to a digital format as an online academic journal in 2018. Sarasatr is included in the Thai-Journal Citation Index (TCI).

The journal is dedicated to publishing scholarly articles from faculty members, researchers, and postgraduate students. The journal aims to pioneer new knowledge and serve as a significant force in the development of academia and professional practice.

Publication Frequency: Sarasatr: Journal of Architecture and Design publishes 4 issues annually, with releases in April, July, October, and December. Details regarding submission deadlines and publication schedules can be found on the Announcements page.

Peer Review Process: Each submission undergoes a rigorous double-blind peer review by two experts in the field to ensure the highest standards of scholarly integrity.

Editorial Management: The journal is overseen by a dedicated editorial board that manages the review and publication process.

Submissions: Authors are required to register through our Sign-In system, adhere to the Article Processing Charges (APC) of 1,000 Baht, and follow the guidelines outlined in our Manuscript Template here.

Copyright Notice

All content published in Sarasatr: Journal of Architecture and Design, including articles, images, diagrams, and tables, is copyrighted by the journal. Authors retain rights to their works under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), which allows sharing with proper attribution. Republishing requires written permission from both the journal's editor and the authors.

        Sarasatr academic journal publish 4 issues per year, release in April, July, October, December (Check schedule on Announcement page)

Publication Ethics

Following publication ethics, Sarasatr: Journal of Architecture and Design has guidelines of duties for related parties as follows:

Duties of Editors

  1. Editors are responsible for overseeing the manuscript review process to ensure transparency, impartiality, and fairness. They select reviewers with expertise in the subject matter or field related to the manuscript.
  2. Editors evaluate and assess the quality of manuscripts based on their importance, clarity, and alignment with the journal's policies.
  3. Editors must not disclose information about authors and reviewers to unrelated individuals during the review process.
  4. Editors should not have conflicting interests that could compromise their judgment or decision-making regarding authors and reviewers.
  5. If any form of plagiarism or duplicate publication is detected during the review process, editors must immediately halt the evaluation process and contact the corresponding author for clarification or to request a response before accepting or rejecting the manuscript for publication.

Duties of Reviewers

  1. Reviewers must maintain confidentiality and not disclose any part or all of the manuscript they are reviewing to unrelated individuals during the review process. They should also adhere to the specified timeframes for the review process.
  2. Reviewers should not have any conflicting interests that could compromise their ability to provide independent and unbiased evaluations. If such conflicts exist, they must inform the journal's editor and decline the review.
  3. Reviewers should evaluate manuscripts within their area of expertise, considering the importance and quality of the work. They should refrain from using personal opinions unsupported by evidence as evaluation criteria.
  4. If reviewers detect any substantial similarity or duplication between the manuscript under review and other published works, they should immediately inform the journal's editor.

 Duties of Authors

  1. Authors must ensure that the submitted work is original and has not been published or submitted elsewhere.
  2. Authors should report research findings truthfully, without manipulating or providing false information.
  3. Authors should carefully check their manuscript for any instances of plagiarism or using the work of others without proper citation.
  4. Authors must appropriately reference the work of others if they have used it in their own research, and they should include a reference list at the end of their manuscript.
  5. All authors listed on a manuscript should have made a substantial contribution to the research conducted.
  6. Authors should consider and adhere to ethical research practices involving human subjects, Animal subjects, and other ethical research considerations for their work.