Ventilation Effectiveness for Airborne Infection Control in Dental Examination Room

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ธัญจิรา เตชะสนธิชัย
วรภัทร์ อิงคโรจน์ฤทธิ์


The dental examination room is a place at risk of airborne pathogen contamination. The objectives of
this research are to evaluate the ventilation effectiveness of the dental examination room, to review the
location of air conditioning units and to determine how to increase the ventilation effectiveness with a
ventilating fan, a fresh air inlet, and a ventilating outlet to limit contamination in the dental examination room. The Computational Fluid Dynamics modeling is a reliable method to study positions of fresh air inlets and vented air outlets on the walls. The method takes into consideration the airflow direction, airflow pattern and age of air at the height of 0.80 meter where the breathing level. The research found the dental health care personnel to be at risk of infection. The installations of the fresh air inlets on the wall on the side of the
patient’s head and vented air outlets on the side of the patient’s feet will help direct the airflow from a cleaner area to a less clean area before being released outside. Therefore, the installation of air inlets should be located where hygiene is required, and the installation of the outlets should be located where there is no
DHCP positioned. The research can be developed further in the dental examination room where there are
several dental chairs in a common area.

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