Prefabricated Construction : Installation Precast Concrete Components for Detached House
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The purpose of this study was to study precast concrete installation for building houses by selecting
detached housing units from the Life and Living Co., Ltd and Pruksa Holding Public Company Limited.
It was found that there were similar 24 tasks of precast concrete installation for detached houses of
both companies. There were 65 slightly different jobs. For precast concrete, installation would be completed
after the pilling and casting bases of the footing had finished. The Life and Living Company would install first
floor wall panels on the foundation piles and the footing while the Pruksa Company would cast concrete on
the ground before installing the first floor wall components. Then the two companies would start on the
second floor by beginning installation of the beam supporter for the upper wall in case the installation did not match the lower wall. They then installed the bathroom floor and upper floor component before installing the wall plate. For the first floor work of the Life and living Company, it would be done after the installation of the upper wall and the system under the ground floor by casting concrete corbel to fit into the corners at the base of lower wall plates. They then installed the ground floor.
It was found that immovable concrete casting of Pruksa Company could be done after the pipeline
system under the floor was finished. Its components were time-consuming. In the case of the Life and Living
Company, there was a crack in the lower wall. The wall had been changed to use prestressed concrete. This
resulted in higher costs and more difficult work including cutting the casting board to a right angle to fit into
the corners on the first floor, resulting in further tasks and timelines. Although both companies had similar methods, they faced similar and differing problems when comparing the methods of the companies. Some modifications would help to solve this problem. For example, for the first floor, if beam components to support the wall plate had been added instead of installing it on the piles and piers, it would help alleviate the problem of walls cracking without using prestressed component concrete walls and could reduce the need for immovable casting concrete floor, although it would also add more work. The additional concrete slab would fit into corners. On the upper floor, the beam components should be uninstalled and replaced by supporting beam parts to reinforce the compressing concrete.
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