Design Guideline And Improvement Of Housing, Building And Outdoor Spaces For The Elderly In Suburban Zone : A Case Study Of Bueng Yitho Municipality, Pathum Thani Province

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ลภา เฉลยจรรยา
ไตรรัตน์ จารุทัศน์


This research aims to study regarding state of society and economy of elders in Bueng Yitho
Municipality, Pathum Thani Province as well as analysis on Behavior of Usability, Issues, Housing, Building
and Outdoor Spaces. In order to create residential design guidelines and developing on physically
environmental landscapes, these are not only suitable for seniors but also for everyone.
After collecting all relevant information by interviewing and survey both residential locations and
outdoor spaces. There are three areas where are located in Improving quality of life for the elderly Center
included Fah Rangsit Village, Piyavararom Village klong 4 and Sathaporn Village. As a result, the majority of
residencies currently are Townhouses and Houses. There are some issues occurred; including bathroom,
kitchen and stairs which indicated an inappropriateness for usability. For buildings and outdoor spaces, there
are several issues occurred; included damaged footpaths and roads which are not repaired yet. In other
words, those facilities are not met the demand for usability as well as an inappropriateness for usability.
According to the results, there are some recommended solutions regarding residential design
guidelines and location improvement, which are as follows; set up an appropriate residency that is suitable for an elder lifestyles and align with Universal Design Concept, for examples; provide suggestion to those
seniors, instead of living in upper floor, they should move to lower floor for the convenient reasons. It is also
suggested that in living room should have has a big door that can be opened to see outside. This will allow
elders to enjoy themselves in relaxing atmospheres. Moreover, there are ideas of optional outdoor activities
which aim to increase the level of using facilities among elders in the community; these consist of Healing
garden, Meditation garden and Sensory garden.

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