Design Guidelines and Improvement of Housing for Parkinson's Patients Case Studies of Parkinson's Friends Club King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital

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ณัฐ จิระอมรนิมิต
ไตรรัตน์ จารุทัศน์


The older population in the world trend to increase higher. Parkinson’s disease typically occurs in people over the age of 60 years old. Nowadays the people with parkinsonism 8% less than 40 years old. So, Parkinson’s disease is not disease for the older population. It’s important to study and preparation to design housing for Parkinson’s patients, therefore they have a  good living and help themselves.The suitable houses help them good physical and mental health, for  Parkinson’s patients have a good living in  outside social.

The result of this research.  Parkinson’s patients have accident in their houses,73% in the bed room, 40% on footpath and 33% in living room. Because of difficulty with walking, central nervous system, and slowness of movement. Parkinson’s patients who not have accident because symptom in stage 2 and 2.5 from 5 stages. Family members and patients have high be careful.

Conclude in this study. The house is suitable for the Parkinson’s patients should have same level footpath. Therefore, they can walk easy and do not fall down.  Then should design support them to exercise. Reduce decline in late life disability and help them have a good mental health take care by themselves and proud in more value of them.

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