Design Guidelines and Improvement of Housing, Building and Outdoor Spaces for The Elderly Living in Crow Property Bureau Areas Located in Bangkok Urban Area : A Case Study of Sup Sin Kao Community, Sup Sin Mai Community and Khlong Phlapphla Community, Wang Thonglang District, Bangkok

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เวณิกา ธูปพลทัพ
ไตรรัตน์ จารุทัศน์


The age structure of the Thai population in the past has been transformed into the elderly population
structure, so the community can not support the needs or help the elderly because of its high urban status.
The objectives of this study were 1)To study the social, economic and housing characteristics of the elderly.
2) Analysis of physical patterns, occupational behavior, and occupational problems of the elderly. 3)
Proposed Physical Design for the Elderly The researcher chose to study three areas: Sup Sin Mai community,
Sup Sin Kao community and the Khlong Phlapphla community, interviewed 110 elderly people and selected
the sample as a rotten study. Examples are guidelines for improvement of housing.
Elderly people in the community are still living in self-employment and their families because of their
low status and income, which is a factor that causes the elderly to stay home without time to do activities in
the public area. Older people do not consider relocating because they have lived in the community for more
than 30 years. In the elderly community. The most area accidents is the patio area (the area where the elderly
come out during the day) because of the different floor levels and floor decay. The secondary is the bathroom because of the bathroom slip floor and doorsills etc.The study concluded that the economy and living are the main factors affecting the elderly in urban areas. In order to improve the housing, local materials should be used in the community. Community technicians should be promoted as intermediaries to improve housing and external space to be sustainable in the community.

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