Housing Marketing Promotion Methods of Real Estate Development Companies Registered at The Stock Exchange of Thailand
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The real estate business is one of an important stimulator in economic system of Thailand because real estate business generates revenue approximately 450,000 million Baht per year and sale promotion strategies are essential parts of business performance. The purpose of this research was to identify housing sale promotion methods of 34 real estate development public limited companies. Data were collected from the companies’ website during September to December 2017. The data analysis was performed by using descriptive and comparative statistics.
The results showed as follow: 1) There were 5 methods, which are; cash discount (31%), premium offer (23%), free fee (22%), fully furnished (13%) and attractive first 2 years home load instalment (12%) 2) Cash discount was the most used method in overall and also in single house, townhouse and condominium. Although the second method using was different in 3 types; single house used free fee, townhouse used premium offer and condominium used fully furnished 3) According to the size of the companies, the large size companies were mainly use cash discount in single house (43%), townhouse (67%) and condominium (42%). The medium size companies were mainly use attractive first 2 years home load instalment in single house (40%), premium offer in townhouse (57%) and cash discount in condominium (35%), and the small size companies were mainly use free fee in single house (28%), cash discount for townhouse (35%) and condominium (28%).
The result revealed that the companies used different housing sale promotion in each type of housing and companies’ size to access to the customer and stimulate purchase directly. The result will be useful for the other real estate companies to improve their sale promotion.
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