Lighting Design of Prasat Hin: Case Study Phimai Historical Park

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กิตติ กิจศิริกุล
พรรณชลัท สุริโยธิน


Historical architecture is the increasing popularity attraction to visiting from both native and foreigner. Prasat-hin is one of the most popoular place. Phimai historical park is the largest Prasat-hin in thailand which located in Phimai, Nakhon Ratchasima. It is the main attraction of the city.

Some lighting issues were found form field survey of Phimai historical park lighting system; high energy consumption of lighting, lighting that not cover all area, lack of visual from outside view and the error of lighting angle from surrounding condition issue.

there are studys of lighting design guideline and lighting masterplan developement for historical architecture except the study of historical architecure lighting design specifically for stone temple which is the main objective of this study. Using literature review, field study and lighting designer interview to find lighting issue for improving lighting design in the case of Phimai historical park. Presenting by Adobe photoshop cc, Sketch up 2018 and Lumion 8 program.

Results show that the typical lighting deisgn method is acceptable for using in Phimai historical park lighting design with the consideration in lighting direction, architecture surrounding, shape and texture of architecture element, history of that place and surrounding area of historical site. This design methodology can aslo be use for other khmer historical architecture with similarity of concept, shape, and style in design.

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