Role Changes of Somthavil Canal by The Adaptation of The City, Mahasarakham Province

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ทรงภพ เมฆพรรณโอภาส


Somthavil Canal has long been the stream of community life for Mahasarakham inhabitants over the past (decades). Once, It used for being agricultural purpose and water retention area with beautiful city landscape. Afterwards, the fast growing of the city’s economy has an effect on the physical changing of the area which turning from being agricultural purpose to being sewerage of the city. The objectives of this article are to study the role of Somthavil Canal and to study the possibility of Somthavil Canal restoring to the appropriate role.

            There are four steps of the study 1) Collect data from the documents and field study in order to understand the context of the whole area 2) Collect information of water quality in the canal in order to analyze the relations between the canal and the land use around the Somthavil Canal. 3) depth interview in order to know the attitudes towards photomontage, using as a guideline for restoring the role of the study area. 4) Summarize information and discuss results with suggestions.    

            The results of the study show that the present deterioration of the Somthavil Canal is the result of the constant development and adaptation of the city. It is influenced by the development of both the municipality and the case study abroad. The main economic land use of the city shows that the role change of Somthavil Canal from drainage canal to recreation role will affect the development of better quality of life throughout the changes in the role of society today.

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