Living Conditions of Janitors from Private Company Working in Education Zone of Chulalongkorn University

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อัจฉราพรรณ พลสิงห์


In recent times, janitors – classified as low-income earners – have been in high demand, particularly in Bangkok. However, they have been experiencing socio-economic and housing problems.  This study, therefore, aims to investigate the socio-economic conditions, types of accommodation and living conditions of both Thai and foreign janitors working in the educational zone of Chulalongkorn University.  The data were collected based on two sets of tools – a structured interview form and a housing survey form.  125 participants were interviewed and 16 houses were surveyed.

The findings revealed that 1) regarding social aspect, a large number of participants were female.  Most of the Thai participants were older than the foreign participants.  The former were 50 – 59 years old while the latter were 30 – 39 years old.  Most of both groups finished primary school and 2) in terms of economic aspect, their average income was between 9,001 and 10,000 Baht a month.  The Thai participants earned 9,000 – 10,000 Baht a month whereas the foreign participants earned 8,000 – 9,000 Baht a month.  The Thai participants spent most of their income on food, followed by rent and monthly debts, while the foreign participants spent theirs on food, followed by savings to be sent home and rent.  However, as far as rent was concerned, the foreign participants spent more on rent than the Thai participants by 5%.  The last finding (3) indicated that the functional area of 13 houses out of 16 was 2.16 – 5.17 square meters per person, which is smaller than the standard functional area for low-income earners in an urban area, which is 5.25 – 7.5 square meters per person.     

It can be concluded that both Thai and foreign janitors rent accommodation near their working sites and their accommodation is smaller than the standard functional area.  However, they have to compromise because they can commute easily.  As some intend to stay there permanently, their substandard accommodation should be addressed so that accommodation for low-income earners, particularly janitors, can be standardized.

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