Ecological Restoration Guideline for Closed Limestone Mines in Central Thailand Through The Analysis of Landscape Patches

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ชวาล ชีวรุโณทัย
ฉมาวงศ์ สุริยจันทร์
อังสนา บุณโยภาส


Mining is the cause for Limestone Mountains to lose their Ecological Services, so, landscape restoration is needed after mine closure. However, nowadays the knowledge of landscape restoration method is still inadequate. Therefore, this research aims to study and propose the guidelines for restoration of closed limestone mines. The study explores mining processes, concept of restoration, landscape and environmental factors affecting those processes, including in-depth interview from five professionals, involved in limestone mining and restoration.  Also, four successful mining restoration sites in the Central of Thailand are selected to analyze.

            The results indicate that Landscape Patch which characterized from topography and vegetation covering, together with environment factors directly contributed to the effectiveness of restoration, which mainly use re-vegetation method with pioneer species. Moreover, if the stimulated restoration reaches to its Secondary Succession, the duration of restoration can be reduced and site’s ecological service can be restored. Anyway, the objectives of using the reclaimed site after this are also the factors for selecting the restoration methods. In conclusion, the recommended landscape restoration guidelines for closed limestone mines consist of: identifying objectives of restoration and site usages, stabilizing endangered slope, planting drought tolerant pioneer plants according to its landscape and environmental factors, and stimulating secondary succession by using climax species to creating landscape patches and appropriate ecological services.

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