Landscape Changes and Urbanization in The Chao Phraya Delta Focusing on Bangkok and Suburban Area

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ตวงพร ปิตินานนท์
ดนัย ทายตะคุ


This research aims to explore the landscape changes and urbanization in the Chao Phraya Delta focusing on Bangkok and suburban area which is a low flat land influenced by tidal processes and monsoon from the reign of King Rama V to present day. The scope of the study was classified into two scales; 1) Metropolitan scale covers the area of Bangkok and suburban area 2) Site scale covers the area of Rangsit, Banglamphu and Klong Om Non by comparing the historical maps during king Rama V period and recent maps The study was conducted by comparing the maps since the reign of King Rama V and the satellite images of present day which are the significant tool in historical landscape study from the riverine society, agricultural society to delta urbanism, site survey, essential elements of landscape analysis, and brought forward the urban development plan that suitably adapted to the conditions and limitations of deltaic landscape.

It was found that, in the past, the human settlement conformed to the conditions and limitations of deltaic landscape. Stilted houses and agricultural area, such as rice field, orchard, and canal network, were harmoniously adapted to natural dynamics. Afterwards, the direction of urban development plan was shifted from agricultural society to industrial society which numerously affected the land use change. The expansion of residential area and industrial area in urban fringe by land filling over fields and waterways caused the changes of landscape morphology, elevation, and porosity. These changes had degraded the deltaic landscape capability which was the cause of urban ecological problems.

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