Distance from Condominium to Urban Facilities in 5 Bangkok Areas along The BTS Skytrain Route from Siam to Bearing Station

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พิโรดม พิริยพฤทธิ์
กุณฑลทิพย พานิชภักดิ์
บุญยิ่ง คงอาชาภัทร


In the past, the development of condominiums in Bangkok area was dispersed. However, after the availability of the BTS system, the target of the condominium developers tended to shift to the areas that are adjacent to the BTS route. In 2015, evidence showed that the most popular route where plenty of condominiums were augmented is from Siam station to Bearing station. The purposes of this study were to examine existing condominium settings as well as their locating factors and also to conduct the distance measurement in order to analyze and compare the standardized condominium for residency.

The result of this study reveals that the most accessible facility type to the condominiums is education facility followed by department store, hospital and entertainment facilities.  When grouped by district, the distances from each condominium in 4 districts (Pathumwan, Klongtoey, Wattana and Phra Khanong) to nearby education facilities are within all walking distance standards. In Klongtoey and Phra Khanong districts, walking distances from each condominium to nearby department stores are all within the standards. The area which is lack of hospital facility and entertainment venue is Phra Khanong.

This study greatly indicated that there is the congruency between the facility locations and the standard concept of “Living in the Neighborhoods” but this does not apply to all districts. Therefore, the results depend on the context of the condominium locations and the number of the facilities nearby.

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