The Churning Process of The Patient Ward and The Operating Rooms in Bhumisiri Mangkhalanusorn Building,King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital

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ชญานิน โกศล


Both hospital building construction and renovation have increased. There are many departments need to move, including patient wards and operating rooms. This study objective is to examine the patient wards and operating move-in process and relevant factors by observation, record, question, and analysis. There are 4 groups of case studies, namely the patient ward moved to another area in the same building, the patient ward moved to another building, the operating room moved to another area in the same building, and the operating room moved to another building. The research shows that there are 5 steps, including planning, moving, patient moving preparation, patient moving, and check and transfer. The factors of each steps related to department, original place, number of units moving in the same period, area available, moving path, and number of elevators.

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