Planning and Management Comprehensive Plan by Public Participation: Case Study of Pattaya City

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ชาญทนุ แสงอุทัย


The purpose of this research is focused on 1) studying the current aspect of Pattaya City in terms of its policies, its capabilities and limitations towards process of Planning, Management Comprehensive Plan. 2) studying public participations and its factors on process of Planning, Management Comprehensive Plan 3) proposing a practical guideline in order to improve the mentioned public participation. The research is an integrated methodology from a quantitative survey, which is a result from a collected data using questionnaires randomly from residents of Pattaya City who wish to participate in such Management. On the other hand, this research is also a qualitative survey by performing depth interviews from Pattaya City administrators and planning officials. The results of this research show Pattaya play an important role as a center of tourism city in the eastern coast supporting by competent administrative factors. Special local administrative law empowers Pattaya administrative management to deliver a concrete public service, flexible performances and direct subsidized by central government. The Management is divided into 42 area, however shows legal limitations because its roles and management structure run same practice as Municipality which is not entirely administrated like Bangkok Metropolis. The public participation results shows that the majority of the residents has a little understanding about Planning, Management Comprehensive Plan in Pattaya. Therefore, this research proposes that Pattaya City administrative officer should improve Public Relation by magnifying time and methods of Public Relations. Also, it is recommended that the Pattaya City community should together consider a planning and management comprehensive plan by themselves in the beginning of process and at the same time, it is require that the Planning officials show technique and stage of arts that can perform a public participation without any disputes.

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