Tree Assessment in Urban Area: The Case Study of Street Trees along The Moat, Changwat Chiangmai

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กิตติคุณ เลิศประยูรมิตร
ดนัย ทายตะคุ


This study aims to explore concepts and methods related to public tree assessment within an urban area. The main purpose of this study is to establish a tool for tree assessment which can be used within selected case study area: public trees around the moat of the municipality of Chaingmai, Chaingmai province. The study has been conducted by examining and reviewing literature related to method or theory of individual public tree assessment. Also, factors and criteria used in each studied method have been compared and summarized in order to create 'Tree inventory form' which was used to collect the data of the tree in the study case area. Then, study case experimental has been tested by surveying and in-depth interviewing with the academics and the local people of the communities around the focus area. The result of the case study has found that there are 7 tree species that are outstanding remarkable in term of scenery, which are: Ficus Religiosa, Albizia saman, Ficus altissim, Dipterocarpus alatus flabellifer, Tectona grandis, Borassus flabellifer and Corypha lecomtei. Then, 9 sampling trees of these perennial trees that are found to be outstanding were assessed. The result has found that the value of a tree is directly related to the level of quality of tree structure, tree physical, and its site environment. To summarize, this study has found that there are 2 methods to assess public tree in an urban area which are (1) benefits valuation and (2) cost valuation. These two methods are both needed to be in consideration when assessing a public tree in order to assess the multi-dimensions of urban tree value. By concerning all dimension, all impacts related to urban tree and its environment can be clearly determined. This will also lead to a suitable and sustainable management process of a public tree in an urban area in order to conserve public tree in the city.

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