Analysis of Industrial Estate Planning in The Lower Central Plain of Thailand under Landscape Architectural Consideration A Case Study of Samut Sakhon Industrial Estate

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ชนกนันท์ ปิ่นตบแต่ง
ฉมาวงศ์ สุริยจันทร์


     “Industrial estate” is an area allocated for industrial factories. The industrial estate is under The Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand. Even though there are laws and regulations relating to plant location and the establishment of factories, most of its sections describe mainly engineering standards and lack of landscape design and environmental aspect that might affect the long-term industrial management.  The purpose of this research focuses on how the industrial estates on floodplain can be developed under  the landscape architectural consideration as most of the industrial estates in Thailand located on floodplain. By studying the idea of industrial area, Thailand’s floodplain, and the concept of sustainable industrial development, the concept of landscape design for the industrial estate shall be suggested.

      This research analyzes the principals of industrial estate development from various documents and researches. The data has been collected from the industrial estate area in Samut Sakorn province, which is the example of the industrial estate development on floodplain. The researcher also surveyed and interviewed with people who have been affected by the industrial estates and then analyzed the data based on the landscape consideration.

     The result shows that the Samut Sakorn industrial estates specially chose its own project location by considering both economic and resource factors. Furthermore, from site planning, the result reveals that the water management on floodplain is efficient as the water drainage area would be separated into many parts based on land elevation. Then the water would be drained to retention ponds by gravity. However, the landscape design in other aspects are still not in accordance with the principals of the industrial estate development.   

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