Demand for Functional Space Renovation with Wood Flooring

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อรณิดา พรรณรัตนศิลป์


Renovation floor area in ​​the house with wood flooring is a modification of using when residents have been living for a period of time. These modifies reflect the needs of residents over time. This research focuses on demand for renovation functional space in the house with wood flooring include budget for renovation. Residences data collected from the site assessment documents. Floor plan and quotation of wood flooring with installation services from floor renovation company and calling to interview all residents for the information not specified in the documents such as building age, the researcher has selected only 135 residents in Bangkok, who renovated functional space  with wood flooring included install service from January 1 to June 30, 2018. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and comparison.

            The results of the study revealed that 1) Most of residences renovation were single houses, 63%, followed by condominiums, 21% and townhouses, 16% respectively. Most of three residence types were renovated during 1-11 building years, followed by 12-23 building years 2) Single house and townhouse residents had the most need for bedroom renovation, followed by living area, dining area and kitchen respectively, while condominium residents had the most need for living area renovation, followed by bedroom, dining area, and no kitchen renovation. Three residence types have been renovated on area size ranging from 15.24 to 31.33 square meters. 3) Single house residents have been renovated with wood flooring at an average budget is 42,526 baht per unit and laminate flooring at an average budget is 31,803 baht per unit, while townhouse residents have been renovated with wood flooring at an average budget is 33,248 baht per unit and laminate flooring at an average budget is 22,269 baht per unit, while condominium residents have been renovated with wood flooring at an average budget is 28,507 baht per unit and laminate flooring at an average budget is 20,176 baht per unit. 

The study indicates that most of residences have been renovated during 1-11 building years. Residents had the most need for bedroom renovation, the area size of renovation depends on type of residences. The budget for renovation depends on type of residences, materials, and area sizing. The results of this study will benefit for the residents, who would like to renovate living space with wood flooring in the house also the entrepreneur will get the knowledge of cause and budget for renovation to do marketing plan or maintenance plan throughout the period of using wood flooring.

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