Fire Safety Testing and Comissioning Management for Extra Large Buildings

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ประพนธ์ ตั้งมโนเทียนชัย


According to Building Control Act (No. 3) B.E. 2543, the building owners as defined under such Act are required to provide engineering inspector or architectural inspection to insect building condition that is necessary for preventing dangers as well as all accessories of fire protection and suppression systems of buildings. In addition, the use of those accessories and orders on fixing those accessories to be safe or usable within the due date. Currently, there are many extra large buildings that are constructed with a large amount of users therefore safety on building usage is very important, especially the risk on fire safety that directly affects to life and assets.   

            This research aims to study on legal conformity of laws and standards between those of Thailand and international level by finding relationship of processes, procedures, and importance in order to manage inspection and test of fire protection and suppression system in building. Moreover, this research also aims to perceive previous performance of facilities managers and inspectors for buildings that are in use as well as construction controllers during buildings handover.  

            This research was conducted by studying on related theories and principles including basic knowledge on fire, standard laws of Engineering Institute of Thailand, and NFPA (National Fire Protection Association). Operational records were collected and interview on operational behaviors with the sample group was also conducted before analyzing to conclude and clarify actual operational condition of the sample group. There were 3 main parts of the sample group including building manager, building inspector, and construction controller. Buildings were selected by using purposive sampling for 6 buildings in this research for introductory.

            From the study, it was found that data record forms of the sample group were various with incompleteness according to the standard criteria. In addition, inspection also depended on knowledge and abilities of facilities manager. According to the researcher’s opinion they should have data record forms that are completely corrected. In addition, draft of the document of management, inspection, and testing of fire prevention and suppression system should be proposed once a year prior building inspection of building inspector in order to be acknowledged and used for correcting defects immediately. In the event of any defect affecting to operations of overall picture of fire prevention and suppression system, it should be corrected to be in safe and usable condition during the useful life of the building. Not just one unit inspection a year.

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