The Riverfront Communities Participatory Process for Adverse Effect Mitigation of the Chaophraya River Embankment Construction Project In Pak-Kret Area Nontaburi Province

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พชร ภู่กำชัย


This article is based on the main research study on the impact of the Effect Mitigation of the Chaophraya River Embankment Construction in Pak Kret area. Nonthaburi As part of the Chao Phraya River Development Project. The government currently has a plan to develop a waterfront area, Chao Phraya river. Which covers the waterfront areas in four provinces (Thaipublica, 2015). The local government agency has adopted this development plan by dividing the project into sections. The study area includes a waterfront area in Pak Kret District, Nonthaburi, of which the project was almost completed, but some parts of it collapsed and that caused damage to the surrounding communities.The study found many negative effects. the effects are divided into physical and affective attitudes. For example, the river embankment has changed the way of life of those who live around the waterfront areas. Participation does not happen as should be, then questioning to the effects from participation processing of government agencies .The study focuses on in-depth interviews with the communities includes 1) those who have been damaged by the collapse; 2) those who have been around the dam but have not been damaged by the collapse; and 3) community members living close to the communities where the collapsing river embankment is located. which is one of the reasons why the communities are affected by it without preparation. In part of negative impact mitigation based on data analysis from survey areas and interviews, this research suggests that the effect of the project in which the communities are not as participative as they should be, in order to be a guideline for review and inspection of information received from the public sector for further waterfront development projects

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