Common Area Arrangement for Recreation in The Condominium Based on The Concept Livable Community Case Studies : L.P.N. Development Public Company Limited

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ธัญญ์นารี ชัยชาญ


The common area for recreation in the condominium is designed to support applications other than residential areas. Is the both area inside and outside of the buildings used for recreational activities of all ages, Which creates a good relationship among residents. The importance of organizing common areas of the entrepreneur is very important because it is considered as a key selling point of the policy project "Livable Community" of LPN Development Co., Ltd. Public Company Limited is one company that emphasizes the importance of organizing common areas in order to create wellbeing for the residents. The policy focuses on residents enjoy real pleasure of living from optimized solution, social and environmental quality, along with spirit of togetherness, care and share. For development the strategy from the livable community to be a prototype community, with 28 projects that have been selected
The project is categorized, it can be divided into 5 SUB BRAND as follows: Lumpini Suite, Lumpini Park, Lumpini Place, Lumpini Ville, Lumpini Condo Town, the researcher therefore studied the concept of design to analyze whether it affects physical characteristics or not. And there are elements of common areas for recreation of condominiums in the 5 SUB BRAND that are under the same livable community concept like or different? The method is studying from the theories and related research, select the case studies for survey, take notes, take pictures and interview the next steps is analyze and summarize a data.
The research results show that there is no clear requirement for the design of the 5 SUB BRAND that how to design common areas for recreation, how scale is and where is it. Will focus on the fullness of the area. the most importantly, people of all ages who lives in is be able to share space happily. Under the concept of "livable communities", there are both similarities and differences. The same thing is need arrange to recreation areas in public areas to be connected between buildings for using gardens and activity areas to attract people to join. As for the differences in the arrangement of common areas for recreation, there are 4 factors as follows: 1) Location and physical characteristics of the land 2) The target group determines the number of decorations 3) The price determines the area 4) In the design concept, respectively, it can be seen that the similarities or differences in the arrangement of common areas in recreation are all influenced by physical factors. Social and economic together.

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