Customers’ Dicision Making in Selecting of Condominium Round Mahidol University, Salaya Campus: Case Studies of Icondo Salaya, Elite Salaya and Vcondo Salaya

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พิมพ์ประไพ อุดมปละ


          This research aimed to study social and economic characteristics, previous residence and decision making factors of purchasing condominium around Mahidol University, Salaya Campus by collecting questionnaire data from the sample group in 3 projects, covering the number of 433 people. The descriptive statistics analysis was used in this study.
The study revealed that 1) there were 2 groups of sample, namely, buyer group (54%) and renter group (46%). The average age of buyer was 36-40 years old. Most of them were working people and business owner. The average age of renter was older than 18-22 years old. Most of them were students (93.2%). There were 3 buying objectives of the buyer consisting of residency, investment/property and speculative buying with the ratio of 31: 68:2 respectively. 94% of the renter rented the condominium for the purpose of residency during studying, and the rest rented the condominium for the purpose of residency during working on the weekday. Rental charge was 6,500 – 7,500 Baht/month, approximately. 3) The location factor of which the condominiums were situated close to Mahidol University, Salaya Campus of all 3 projects affected the decision of buyer and renters 98% and 96%, respectively.
The findings indicated that the characteristics of the buyer and renter were associated with the selection of the condominium surrounded Mahidol University, Salaya Campus. The results of this study will benefit the real estate entrepreneurs especially condominium and apartment developers as a guideline to make the strategic plan to be able to meet the need of consumers.

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