Living Condition of Street Food Vendors in Yaowarat Area

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นนธวัช วรมงคลชัย


Street food vendors is a form of informal sector that was found in the most of Thailand economics. Yaowarat is famous of night street food in Thailand and There are work and living at the same area. The aim of this research was focusing on the social economic, living condition of street food vendors in Yaowarat The data were collected by using tools a structured interview form and housing survey questionnaires. Ninety-three participants were surveyed. Descriptive statistics and relation of data were analyzed.

Yaowarat street food vendors were located at the temporarily permitted area and open 6p.m-00.00a.m. The result showed 1). 37.6 % of dessert is the most types of street food, 63.6% is the most type cooking style and sitting at the food  stall and cooking at the selling area. According to preparing food process was found that the owner joins in important part as 96.8% of buying, 59.2 % of preparing raw material, 63.5% for cooking and 88.1% for selling street food. Due to the quality of food was controlled by the owner. Employee act as a labor for cleaning and storage the equipment 59.2% and 61% respectively. 88.2% of Housing was used for preparing place. 66.6% of cleaning and 71% of storage was perform at around selling area. 72% of participant were male. 49.5 % of them aged between 38-52 years’ old, 76.3% of them were married and  48.4% of them stayed in Yaowarat. Regarding to the type of business 60.2% of participants was a small family business. Time for operation more than 20 years.  Almost of participant stayed at commercial building 64.5% 4). Living condition, 58.1% of the owner were lived close to selling area around radius 1 km. The site of job was selected nearly to their hometown due to for cost reduction. 40.9% of housing types were commercial building. 46% of residential area had 120-300 sq.m. According to housing survey, front and back of building parts were renovated for food preparing and cooking overlap with dwelling which cause of restricted and insanitation.

The research results contribute towards the understanding of street food living condition and manage of residential planning related with job and improved the quality of street food in the future.

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