Tourist Satisfaction for Staying in Accommodations around The Bangkok Railway Station

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กฤชภัสสร์ วีวัยวุธภิญโญ


          This research aims to examine accommodations and to explore tourist satisfaction for staying in accommodations around the Bangkok railway station. The tourist satisfaction data are collected from online travel agency websites during 21 December 2018 to 16 March 2019. Also, the survey of 27 accommodations in the distance of 500 meters around the Bangkok railway station and the interview of accommodation’s managers are conducted at the same time.
          According to the study, it shows that 1) the accommodations around the Bangkok railway station could be categorized into 3 types which are hotel, hostel and guesthouse, which 78 percent of them were renovated from 3-5 storey shophouse. Additionally, 44 percent of the accommodations just have been operated since the past two years. Thus, there are 18 percent of old and dilapidated accommodations in which operated more than 41 years. 2) Most of accommodations locate in the community area more than the roadside area, which have more visibility and easily access to the transportation. Furthermore, the study reveals that the hotel locates in the convenient location which could be easily access to the station more than the other types of accommodations. 3) the sampling tourists have the high satisfaction rate with the accommodations in the term of service, location, value and facilities respectively. Due to the service, the quality of accommodation, value and the facilities, the tourists have the highest satisfaction rate for hotel, then following by guesthouse and hotel. In contrast, the hotel tends to provide more privacy and family-orientated tourist.
          As the result, the relationship between physical of accommodations, the service and the facilities could significantly influence the tourist satisfaction rate. The finding of this research could considerably contribute for the owner of business in the Bangkok railway station area and other similar areas and could benefit to the tourist developing plan in both public and private sector accordingly.

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