Housing Conditions Elderly People in Conservation Area : A Case Study of 2 Communities Phraeng Phuthon Phraeng Nara Phra Nakhon Bangkok

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วิลาสินี ลักษมีวัฒนา
ไตรรัตน์ จารุทัศน์


          Phra Nakhon district, where the trend is elderly One part is living in an old building that is registered, should be worth conservation. With restrictions on the size of the building, narrow, steep stairs with conditions that are not suitable for the elderly The purpose of this research is to study the social, economic, behavior and living conditions of the elderly in the old community. Analyze and suggest ways to improve the living space to be suitable for the elderly by using an in-depth interview method from 22 sample groups in the community area of Prang Phun and Praeng Nara.
          The study showed that Most seniors live with the same family or familiar person. The main income comes from the majority of the children, but there are still a number of seniors who still work. The health of the elderly is the most hypertensive disease. The late elderly have the use of physical devices to help walk clearly. And some people have dependency The problem is that the elderly still live on the 2nd floor and use the bathroom on the 1st floor. The stairway is a thoroughfare between the 1st and 2nd floors as a risky area. The surface of the slippery staircase and steep steps and is the area where the elderly have the most accidents. In addition, from the housing survey Also found that the bathroom is an area that is not suitable for the standard of design to be the main residence for the elderly as much as possible with the most problems in size, not consistent with the design for the elderly.
          Conclusions The conservation building has limitations in adjusting to suit many elderly standards due to limitations in area size and ancient law, including actions that are not clear depending on the consideration of the relevant authorities. Most of the guidelines for suggesting the zoning to move down to the first floor near the bathroom. And edit, focusing on the way to use furniture or facilities that are flexible, movable Suitable for use in many activities in limited areas, including not being attached to buildings to prevent damage to conservation areas.

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