The Attitude of The Residents towards Wellness Condominium

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ณิชารัตน์ อัครมณี


            At present, living conditions are essential, especially in residential condominiums, where residents are interested and more likely to live in the future. The objective of this research is to study the attitudes of the residents towards the condominiums that promote living conditions. Collecting data from 131 residents in condominiums using questionnaires and data analysis using descriptive statistics and Anova analysis.
From the sample survey, it was found that the social economic characteristics of residents had a higher proportion of females than males (65.6%) and between the ages of 21-30 years (36.6%). Most of the residents currently live in the room, 2 people per unit (44.3%), 1-2 year occupying period (43.5%). Residents take 5-10 minutes to travel from the condominium to the nearest BTS station (39.7%). Most of them are owners (61%). whose condominiums are more than 8 floors (Highrise) (71.7%) 1 bedroom type (45%). The results found that 1) Most of them rated their satisfaction at a moderate to very high level (75.6%), residents with under 20 years of age having the highest satisfaction level (4.27 points) and with average satisfaction, a while large family in a large room having high satisfication. However, it was found that all the variables did not relate to different satisfaction with Wellness. 2) The characteristics of condominiums that promote the health of residents in the attitudes of residents can be classified into 8 main aspects, namely (1) Air quality (2) Convenience (3) Aesthetics (4) Comfortable conditions (5) Community management (6) Safety (7) Mind (8) Physical characteristics
            The study indicated that residents are satisfied with the health conditions in the condominiums at the medium to high level. The younger residents are more satisfied than the older and more concern about health, mental, social and intellectual of which part of well-being. The results of this study will benefit entrepreneurs, including the public sector and related agencies in the development of condominiums promote well-being.

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