Guildeline to Develop Coworking Space near Educational Institution : Case Study of Siam Square & Samyan

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วีรพล พืชธัญญากิจ


Coworking Spaces in Bangkok have grown dramatically especially in the business area of the city since there is a major mass transit network providing convenient access through Siam Square and Samyan. There are many Coworking Spaces open for service and further studies have shown that there are important educational institutions in the area. This research is dedicated to the concepts and limitations of Coworking Space in the vicinity of educational institutions including the characters and services that affect the user’s selection. The data were collected by means of interviews, observations and questionnaires which were then analyzed together with related theories in order to better understand the management and the facilities responding to the users’ needs, and benefit the entrepreneurs who are interested in investing in this business.
The research shown that most users were female aged 19-28 years old. A majority were students from Chulalongkorn University whose average monthly income is less than 10,000 baht. The frequency of their visit is approximately 1-2 times per month for a duration of 3-4 hours each. The peak hour is between 6:01 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. The average cost per person per visit is between 100 to 200 baht. The main objective of using the service is due to the need of working space with the main reason for usage being the full facilities the coworking space provides. Apart from that, most users prefer factor of physical evidence and presentation such as interior decoration providing a relaxed atmosphere which help reducing stress.
The rational behind the establishment of coworking space begin from owner learning about the inconvenience of students when working and studying in cafes or libraries. They would like to support students to have a space for work or reading 24 hours a day. The main problem is, during school holidays, income may decrease as students stay at home so less people uses the service. Therefore, some areas need to be adjusted so that they can be rented as service office monthly or event space for organizing activities and seminars. The trend shows that the business has an opportunity to grow as the demand for an alternative working place is still high. The most influencing factor is the location as being located in a convenient place near the target group will help assure the business survival and by having unique selling points will help the business thrives among others.

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