Requirement and Expectation in The Building Management of The Lessees in The Office Building

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ณวัลริณี สุวินิจวงษ์


The purpose of this study to know the needs and expectations of the office building Lessees by submitting a questionnaire to the tenant rate is between 750-1,000 baht/square meter /month. There were 6 office buildings in the case study: Sathorn City Tower, Asia Center Building, CP Tower, Chamchuri Tower, Emporium Tower and interchange 21. Then analysis, summary, and discussion of results.
From the study, it was found that office building Lessees can divide into 2 types, office space Lessees and Retail Lessees. The office Lessees can be divided into 3 groups of business types, in which ass 3 groups have different requirement and expectations for each job.
Office and Retail space Lessees have different characteristics in terms of rental rates nationality, business type, while similar in retail size and the organization size. When analyzing the tenant’s business type, it was found that all 3 groups of lessees in the business categories and the lessees in the retail had the requirements and expected that the building management department would supervise the fire protection of the building as the standards of the Building Control.
The results of the study were indicated that different types of business groups, however, there were many requirements and expectations for managing each building. There is a view of the importance or need from the management of the building in terms of the most security system as will.

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