Situation of As-Built Building Information Modeling (BIM) in Thailand

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สุดากาญจน์ ธนาวุฒิ


Nowadays, the Building Information Modeling (BIM) in Thailand has applied into the processing of construction and building maintenances which do not only affect to the work processing but also different from the original method. The relevant parties such as owners, designers, contractors and BIM consultants need to adapt and respond accordingly.
The purpose of the research has focused on situations and obstacles of BIM as-built in Thailand. There is a methodology which define the framework, relevant concept and theories, collected particularly interviews data from 3 project owners, 1 designer, 3 contractors and 6 BIM consultants with 10 cases studies of buildings.
The result has found case-study approach which is started to use BIM in Thailand since 2010, many organizations using BIM include government, state enterprises and private organizations. The relevant parties who consider during in progress to use BIM such as contractors, designer and owners respectively. The main reason of their participation is reducing of construction mistakes, which is the same direction of participates who deliver the products according to owner’s requirement. As-built BIM details should follow the condition in the contract which has deal with the owners. The procurement they can identify in 3 categories which are construction contract, additional procurement and others. As-Built BIM's development has 6 types and As-built model is the initial data to manage internal resources only. The result of using BIM objectives has achieve with designers and contractors only. The main problems and obstacles are personnel problems and process problems.
In conclusion, this research has demonstrated the situation of As-built BIM which comes across into the process, problems, obstacles and solutions. There can be a guideline for making effective in as-built BIM model in the future.

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