The Synthesis of Research on Luminance Measurement of Illuminated Sign

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ประดิษฐ์ สาระอ่อน
พรรณชลัท สุริโยธิน


The objective of this research is to study variables relating to luminance measuring methods, of illuminated sign. It employed document synthesis methods by using keywords found in online document databases from 1997 – 2019 B.C. The samples of 39 research articles, theses and technical reports were sorted and recorded in a document characteristics form. Fifteen documents were then selected according to the selection criteria. The data analysis in this study is a qualitative analysis which can be divided into three groups. The first group is general information from sample document. The second group is the variable that is related to the luminance measurement, and the third group is the objective of the study that affects the selection of measuring tools and methods for evaluation of the luminance of the illuminated signs

The results can be summarized as follows: 1.) There are two types of illuminated sign; static illuminated sign and animated illuminated sign. 2.) Luminance measuring tools for illuminated sign are Luminance meter, HDR Camera and Imaging Photometer 3.) The luminance measurement variables are height of the illuminated sign installation, size of the sign, measuring distance, and context of illuminated sign 4.) Methods of luminance meter can be an average of multipoint measurement, an average of repeated point measurement, area weight mean luminance of colored signage and continuous measurement using data logger through cables 5.) These two types of illuminated sign can be measured by mentioned in 2.)

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