Expenses for Repair and Maintenance of Common Area Systems, Residential Condominiums, High Building Type Case Study : 4 Condominiums in The Central Business Area of Bangkok

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ภุชงค์ สุขเสนา


This research aims to study repair and maintenance cost of the building system in the common area of high-rise condominium juristic each year from year 1-20. In order to acknowledge repair and maintenance expenses and tendency of expenses, this study adopts case study approach by surveying and collecting information. Furthermore, this study compiled the information from 4 residential buildings which are located in the central business district of Bangkok .
From the study, it is found that the repair and maintenance expenses can set the budget allocation cost for the repair and maintenance of the system at 3 baht / sqm. / month from years 1-20. As for the tendency of capital expenses to improve the system, it should be planned in advance in preparing budgets during years 6-7 to preparing for the replacement of the elevator sling and control board. In year 13, replacement of the main water pipe and in year 14, replacement of the large circuit breaker and main power cable.
The results of the study show cost rates and trends in adjusting repairs and maintenance. Use for comparison to estimate and control budget of repair and maintenance the system in the common area.

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