Living Conditions of Chulalongkorn University Students Residing at Dormitories around Chulalongkorn University

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Nannapat Thirasirimeteekul
Trirat Jarutat


            This research aims at investigating the living conditions of Chulalongkorn University students residing at dormitories around Chulalongkorn University, including economic, social and background conditions, as well as factors influencing decisions of Chulalongkorn University students to rent the dormitories and apartments with the aim of proposing appropriate guidelines for residential management that meets the needs of Chulalongkorn University students. The results suggest that most of the students were from upcountry and desired to rent the internal dormitories. However, the number of available dormitories was not sufficient, so they had to rent external dormitories close to the university for convenience in commuting to and from the campus. Furthermore, students had to take account of other related factors such as price,

safety and facilities of the residences. Most of the selected residences were close to the University located in Pathum Wan District, Ratchathewi District and Bang Rak District. The popular type of residences among students was studio unit with private bathroom and terrace. The size of the room is 21-30 square meters and the prices ranged between 7,000-10,000 Baht. The prices depended on several factors such as in-room facilities, size of the rooms and location of the dormitories. As the average household income of most students were 50,000-100,000 Baht per month, resulting in students’ monthly allowances being less than 10,000-20,000 Baht per month. Therefore, students were likely to share the residences with their roommates to divide expenses such as the rent, water supply and electricity fee since the rent was quite high.

            It can be concluded from the research that students desire to stay at the university’s internal dormitories which are affordable with complete facilities and common area such as study room, fitness room, pantry, and board game room. The residential units should allow them to have full privacy and appropriate furniture including table, closet and cabinet should be provided to students. Finally, these results should be useful for the researcher in designing the dormitories that suit the requirement of Chulalongkorn University students.

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