Roof Patterns of Pier Building in Rattanakosin Island

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สุชัญญา ยศสูงเนิน
สมโชค สินนุกูล
ทรงเกียรติ เที้ยธิทรัพย์


This article is a part of the thesis titled “ Roof patterns of pier building in Rattanakosin island”, Phra Nakhon district, Bangkok to study roof patterns of pier buildings, roof structure, and utility space in buildings for analyzing factors affecting roof patterns. The areas of 5 piers: Tha Tien, Tha Chang, Tha Pra Chan, Maharaj, and Rajini were surveyed by collecting data of physical and architectural characteristics such as floor plan, façade, roof layout plan, structure and material. The obtained data were analyzed using data analysis theories and conducted the study on architectural components and consideration criteria for architectural design.
The findings from the study showed that all of the 5 piers had different building layouts which can be divided into 3 to 5 parts as entrance lobby, stores, docks, boat ticket sales points, and toilet service areas. There were 9 roof patterns and the ones most likely found were lean to roof and flat roof, followed by gable roof and awning roof. Other roof patterns were found one of each pattern. Based on the study, the factors supporting the roof patterns were construction was easy and not complicated, the roof patterns were appropriate to environment, rainwater could be drained out of roofs quickly and easily, they were durable, short construction period was required, and materials were easily found in markets.

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