Precast Concrete Wall Production Techniques A Case Study of C-Post Co., Ltd.

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Chaithanun Wongchainitikul
Songkiat Teartisup


          The article entitled “PRECAST CONCRETE WALL PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES : A CASE STUDY OF C-POST CO., LTD. ” aimed to study and accumulate data of the process of precast concrete wall production of the construction workers by classifying and analyzing construction tool level and manpower of precast concrete wall production. The data were collected by the interview, survey, record, drawings, and photographs to present the process of precast concrete wall production of the construction workers. The collected data were then used to analyze the construction tool level and manpower of precast concrete wall production to the further conclusion.
          The results of this study indicated that the process of precast concrete wall production was divided into 7 steps which were (1) Cleaning and oil vanishing. (2) Assembling the formwork. (3) Installing the inlay materials and reinforcement. (4) Cementing. (5) Concrete polishing. (6) Demolding (7) Work lifting for the storage. The construction tools in process of precast concrete wall production were divided into 2 parts which were – (1) Steel work tools such as chalk, reel, measuring tape, plump, water level, surveyor’s telescope, steel cutter, gas welding torch set, welding machine, sandpaper, claw hammer, sledge hammer, crow bar, plier, bending wrench, chainsaw wrench, fixed wrench, block wrench, c-clamp, sponge, supporting steel for formwork. (2) Concrete work tools which most of them were measuring tape, water measurer, trowel, polishing towel, hard broom, sponge, chain hoist, concrete vibrator, shackle, bucket, overhead crane. The tools level of precast concrete wall production was in the low to high level. The manpower of precast concrete wall production level was also in the low to high level.

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